Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Donkey/Lightsaber Renormalization

I have some rather interesting students.  Yes, yes, that is the best way to put it.  One of the most colourful characters I have ever taught is Sean.

One day, Sean was starting on an essay, and was rambling, as he has a tendency to do when he wants to figure a topic out.  Everyone around him was looking increasingly confused, so I tried to help them out by explaining Sean's thought processes.  Most people go A...B...C, logical, sequential, and understandable.  Sean, on the other hand, goes A...Q...Donkey...9...Lightsaber...H.

Everyone got a good laugh out of that one, including Sean, and got back to work.  A little while later, Sean had got his thoughts together into a cohesive thesis statement.  He looked at me, grinned, and said "Tara, all the donkeys and lightsabers are gone!"


Life Lesson: Lightsaber wielding donkey sith lords may hold you back, but they can be vanquished!

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